Hello My Fellow Humas.
This is an amazingly relevant conversation especially during the #COVID #pandemic with regards to not only #pain, but also #stress, #anxiety, and #depression.
There are so many messages that I try to share with others, but Dr. Zoffness does a remarkable job of using metaphors or analogies to explain science-based takes on the above issues.
#stomachache #headache #chronicpain #PTSD #posttraumaticstressdisorder #ACES #adversechildhoodexperiences #painscience #painmanagement #socialanxiety #phobia #stigma #feelings #limbicsystem #modernpainscience #hypervigilance #entericnervoussystem #serotonin #zoffness #zdoggmd #teakettling #emotionalrepression #passiveaggression #performanceanxiety #onlywayoutisthrough #passion #mentalillness #anxietyisreal #exposuretherapy #nervous #whyisbiggerthantheanxiety #authenticity #makingadifference #getoutofyourownway #babysteps #donotflood #impostersyndrome #racism
I hope you enjoy this amazing Facebook interview.
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